Potential Puppy Owner Questionnaire

Name *
First *
Last *
Address *
Street Address *
Address Line 2
City *
State / Province / Region *
Postal / Zip Code *
Country *
Email *
Phone *

Occupation *
Current Housing Arrangement *
Own/Rent (If renting, is a pet allowed?) *
Current Family Arrangement *
What are the intended roles for your puppy? *
Have you had past experience with a Griffon? *
Why do you think a Griffon would be a good fit for you and your lifestyle? *
Do you have a fenced yard? If so, describe. If not, what kind of positive control will you have on the dog when it is outside? *
Where will the puppy's primary living arrangements be? *
Will the puppy be home alone for extended periods? If so, what are your plans for containment? *
Do you hunt? *
If you do hunt, what do you hunt and to what extent?
If you hunt, what state/s have you held a license in the last 2 years?
Do you have a dog training organization or some other training support in relatively close proximity? *
Do you have prior experience owning/training a versatile hunting dog? *
Are you willing to test your puppy at the Natural Ability Level with the North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association Testing? *
 Need More Info 
What are the daily activites you will do with your puppy? *
What sex are you most interested in? *
 Doesn't Matter 
Any other information you would like to share? *
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